Monday 12 May 2014

Project 2 - Piecing the Puzzle

Looks can be deceiving..

In my last post I showed you how I was working around designing my character. Like puzzle pieces and them I would piece them all together. I have since decided that this would also be the way I'll model my character in 3DS Max. By creating each element separately and added them onto a body structure. This could be the easier way to go around such a complex design considering how long I've actually been using the program for.

Now then, I'll show you my 3 finalized concepts from the puzzle pieces:

Concept 1

My first proper attempt at putting all the puzzle pieces inside the box!

I settled on the idea of putting the claws through the holes within the middle part of the box. I think they fit rather well and give them a more unique look about them compared to just blades hanging off her limb. The proportions are slightly off in this one. The legs are rather jelly-like and the torso doesn't have a female body shape at all. The face is more human then I would have liked so that's not a design that I would be happy to take ahead and model in 3DS Max.

Concept 2

This is my favourite concept. A nice mix between human and insect. The spikes on the head create like a crown to show her dominance to others (or her deadly nature). Her claws are split into sections adding to her hunter nature. The roughly textured skin is like the scale layout on a dragon to give her human flesh more protection. Though, it could effect her mobility. I want to look into this a little further.

Concept 3

Something completely out of the blue! I wanted to do more with the idea of making the claws her only way of movement. Her body would swing in between 2 legs that split into 4 feet that fit the holes - like a spider with less legs. The horns on her head could be a weapon, she could headbutt a single target and lock them down using her many legs for move agility.

That's my concepts, now I'll define one of them a little more before I start modeling my final piece. That's all for this post. Hopefully I'll bring you the final model soon enough!

Watch this Space~! <3

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