Monday 12 May 2014

Project 2 - Treasures and Dragon Scales

Let's put our heads together~

As we venture deeper into our second project, how do our ideas progress individually and as a group? It's not exactly the smallest or easiest or projects that could have been set for us but it's a wicked challenge. Let's have a quick break down:

My Own Design

The idea of creating your own character sends shivers down my spine, but it can't always be free reign. We had to pick shapes in which we had to model the shape of our character into. You can see to the right the layout of my boxes. I flipped the top section to make it fit in with the spiked bit in the middle section. 

Now, in my previous post I gave you my inspirations for this design and from the get go I had a vague idea of what I wanted to achieve from this project. It was just defining the detail and making it become a reality.
Kha'zix The Void Reaver,
A champion from League of Legends (c)

My first idea was a hunchbacked, insectoid assassin type of creature. Somewhat like a praying mantis but bigger.. And hunts more then just other small insects! That means her design will have to enhance her mobility and the idea of having claws instead of hands gives her a weapon that makes her a rather deadly character to encounter.

I'll be honest and say that the idea of a box was intimidating. I tried to put a design straight into the box and it didn't go very well to say the least.

This was a really big problem for me. I had to try and find some way around it. On the train back home one afternoon it hit me. I decided to design various aspects of the character and them piece them all together inside the box. After I worked out the solution to my problem I felt so much happier about progressing forward with this project.

I started with the main aspects, like the claws:

And after doing some rather.. Detailed and buggy-looking claws, I moved onto the legs. While keeping in mind that she had to be incredibly mobile. I went for the two toed, high heel idea:

Considering the idea of the box, I wasn't sure of what other way I could fit my character into the lower ends of the constraints. The type of lower body I focused on is shown above.

After puzzling over the pieces of my character, it was about time to take my favourite points. The outcome of that comes below:

The lizard head shape, with a pushed out jaw and nose really appealed to me for this particular character. Maybe because it's like a deformed human skull. It fits into the insectoid species that my character will be designed to fit into.

My Groups Designs

As a group, everyone was progressing rather well. I'll take a brief look at my groupee's below.

As a group we had decided that Nathan would be the head of our group and everyone else would be one of his experiments or creations. Therefore we were given specific roles within the group and numbers to represent our order.

Jay:  Jay had number 15. His character was of a cyborg nature. He had a heavy build and was created for the heavy tasks presented to himself and the group. He would be rather slow but certainly not agile. His character was certainly built to last.

Nathan:  The head character of our group. He had a little difficulty deciding if he was doing to go for a full human design like a mad scientist or if he wanted to go or a more demonic approach. We decided as a team that the idea of a demon creating other demons to slowly eat into the human world and start a war would sound more appealing if we were pitching the team to a set audience. Compared to some mad guy piecing people together in a Hannibal Lecter style.

Andrea: Number Three was placed here. Originally, Andrea's idea is that their leader took an innocent creature such as a cat and dragged it into their world of hate and aggression. Fitting the demonic evil theme surrounding our group. Honestly, we haven't had a lot of contact with Andrea as a group because she was in the process of moving house but the basic ideas were kept in place so she could design as effectively as she could.

Sylvian:  She had difficulty designing her character because she was scared of modelling the final piece. As a team we helped her go through the ideas she had and gave her the confidence to give it a go! You can only learn from trying. Sylvian's character was more innocent and charming compared to the others. She came across as a cute innocent creature but the reality was that she was far from it. Fitting the theme of a 'Fallen Angel'

Jaime:  Jaime's character was the head creation. The number one guy. Our Alpha male. He is smart and dominant over the over creations. His word is the law. He lacks humour and sets to getting the task done properly. He will not rest until their leaders goal is achieved and he keeps all the other experiments in line. In terms of Design Jaime was really thriving within this project. She took the time to help others with anatomy and muscle structure. Allowing them to design their characters to a more detailed standard compared to a bubbley cartoon style.

How we progress from here..

As a team, others have started a few test models where as others are still trying to work out their final designs. The outline of our group and each character has been established so all we have to do it design with these in mind and the final outcome will be just as good as we hoped, if not better!

Next up, I'll start piecing together my puzzle pieces to create some finalized concepts for my evil character. I look forward to revealing them in future!

Watch this Space~! <3

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