Friday 4 April 2014

Project 1 - Cutlery - Final Design

Here, Ace in the Hole..~

Here you go, the final sum up! I'll include the model, as it is so far at the end.

The Fae's Buffet/Twisted Treeline

Everything must come to an end, including this project! I decided to head back to League of Legends champions for my final design and to start with I wasn't entirely sure of the one I should pick. Jinx? Caitlyn? Nami? Ahri? I'm afraid it's none of them! I went for a mash up including one of the maps within the game itself: Twisted Treeline. Which matches Lulu's personality very well, with that in mind.

I took my sketches from my original Lulu idea and added a little 'Twisted Root' idea into the curved handle structure. This was going to be my final idea however, I couldn't wrap my head around how to model it in 3DS max. Even after creating some curls in my hair and snapping some references. I couldn't pick up the right concept. Google wasn't a lot of help either. All the same, I really enjoyed the idea. Let's show it off!

Here's 'The Fae's Buffet' idea:

Now, after struggling to model The Fae's Buffet I had to come up with an alternative. Time was running out and I felt a serious amount of pressure. Looking back, I think I was in over my depth but I'm stupidly excited to model this idea properly. I really want to make it work, it will be a massive personal achievement for me. This design keeps a lot from The Fae's Buffet idea, but a few factors changed that I feel now I can actually achieve when modeling the cutlery.

My final idea, The Twisted Treeline is based on Lulu and her magical background. The 'Inner Roots' contain a type of magical pixie dust, allowing a faint glow and mystical energy to the design.

How did you get that idea?

Well, I spoke about the Champion Lulu in my previous posts. Basically her design allowed me a lot of freedom to create a concept based on her character. There's a lot of little aspects about Lulu that make her recognizable. Also, her magical background means I can get a little more of a fantasy aspect into this one.

Introducing 3DS Max

So, for my early hand in I had to have an in progress model of the final design. I do want to redo the model from scratch at my own pace without a lot of deadline pressure, but I like how it looks currently. Without further a-do, here's my model so far~

Coming up next!

A final model in a few weeks time but that's it for my first project! I wanna thank Justin for the support he offered us, and all my classmates for helping me pick out my better ideas to carry forward.

Project two is character design, within a little 5 person group. Should be fun, I'm excited for this one and because I completed Project 1 without too much difficulty I think I'm a lot more confident going into project 2!

Watch this Space~! <3

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