Sunday 2 February 2014

Don't Heston over Cutlery!

Quick update about my first project. Research time!

I haven't got any sketches as yet, however! I have spent a bit of time looking up topics that tie to my theme. More on that in a minute, firstly though..

What theme am I picking?

"Encourage radical eating experiences: Design a product range which is in context of the eating experience at Heston Blumenthal's "The Fat Duck" Restraunt."

This theme had me hooked from the moment I read it. I love the opportunity to do something different. Anything weird and not.. Typical really interests me. So this theme literally has my name written all over it and I'm really excited to get started on it. Having an enjoyable theme makes the simple concept of cutlery more fun. I did worry when Justin mentioned cutlery, first thing I thought was 'Oh, crap! What will I do?!' but after reading the brief through and doing some research I'm not panicking quite as much.

So, today! I did a little bit of research. Looked up some cutlery designs, and Heston's restaurant. Let's do a sum up.

Research: Imagery Montage #1

Obviously, the first thing to do is look at previously designed cutlery sets. The 3 designs above look simple. Number 2 and 3 have slightly different handles. It gives them a different feel compared to normal cutlery. Number 3 actually has an edged handle, like a cube. Compared to 2 which is rounded. Number 1 is the more typical flat design with a more 'edged' look on the top part. That makes two ways I could make my design different and enhance a radical eating experience. There's maybe several different ways for me to change the design and make it something special and memorable but it's early days. And sometimes the simple things work better then the complex ones. We'll see what happens!

To the right there's another handle design that has a more fancy, posh feel to it. The texture might irritate a lot of people so I think a smooth design for the gripping part of the cutlery would work in my favour. I would also have to make the entire set have a similar theme so they would relate to each other. Making 4 completely different designs, one for each piece of cutlery, would confuse people. It wouldn't really be a working set. Similar designs are key, not just bizarre ones!

To the left is the last image I want to share in this post that particularly interested me. I found this one looking up Heston's restaurant. It's a design on the front of a menu. The handle part has a elegant and fancy design because the restaurant is high class. Where as the part you put into the food has a similar design to that of duck feathers, which illustrates the name of the restaurant.

I'd love to illustrate such an idea in my own design. I want to try and go for a simplistic idea, not too fancy and complex. Maybe try and combine the features of a duck like the menu design above. The beak, the feathers, even the shape of the body, the wings, the tail feathers. Possibly the colour scheme. They're all possibilities to explore over the next few weeks.

Research: Heston.

Heston lives to be different, he loves exploring simple things and making them something absolutely fantastic. He brings back typical British traditions and gives them a funky twist. He is loved and looked up to by so many people around the world. Showing off his crazy ideas, he lives to be different. I envy him for not giving a damn and doing what makes him satisfied.

I've found some quotes I'll leave here, for future reference:

"And I like asking questions, to keep learning; people with big egos might not want to look unsure."

"I have this desire to keep improving, so I find fault."

"I was determined that if I failed it wouldn't be due to lack of effort."

"I'm not scared of anything in particular, but I am motivated by a fear of failure as opposed to a need to succeed"

As I picked through the internet I found a blog done by somebody in our class from last year. They chose the same theme, and I took the time to read through her blog and I really liked her idea. She explored the idea of simulating the senses, which is Heston's motivation behind every dish. That is a great inspiration. Check it out here.

I'll put together some mood boards when I get home from class tomorrow night.

That's it for now, guys.

Watch this space! <3

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