Sunday 23 February 2014

Tutorial Week #4 - The Glass/Goblet

Let's party, it's Saturday~

Due to a technical issue I'll have to post week 4 before week 3, sorry about that. Hopefully it's not too confusing!

You call that a glass?
In Week 4 we made something quite fitting to the Saturday party scene if you ask me. We made a wine glass, or a goblet in my eyes. Unlike my previous model, this one doesn't have a tutorial video I'm afraid, but read my little comment about the bottom for the solution.

This was a pretty straight forward model. This is what we started with. Doesn't look much like a glass at all does it? Never to fear! We're only getting started.

We learned about Bezier Corner command, which completely messed up the selected lines. I did panic when we selected this option and I struggled to try and work out how the corners should be positioned. 

Basically, each corner converted into a Bezier corner will give it a similar edit-ability of a path in Adobe Illustrator. So, by pulling the anchors you could curve the lines to create the object we desired. Like the image exampled to the left.

We didn't turn the entire structure into these fancy corners, because we wanted a flat edge to rotate and image around later on, to complete the 3D glass structure. So after a bit of help organizing the curves and anchors, we finished with the line structure shown below.
A little better..

After that, we finished off the glass by making it 3D! This was the exciting bit. I can happily say I felt so good knowing that I made a 3D object, for the second time in my life. Call me a child on Christmas Day, I'll take it! We used the Lathe modfier for this, with the Minimum alignment setting. I made it purple, because purple is just awesome. And there we go, a glass. ~

That's MUCH better!

That concludes this weeks tutorial, there isn't actually a video for this specific item but there will be for my Bottle + Screw Cap tutorial, so I'll post that for you when it's all finished.

Watch this Space~ <3

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